We had implemented a great number of sucsesfull projects that were funded by different donnors. Some of them:
- LLL Grundtvig international project “Innovative Adult Education for Sustainable Rural Development” with 6 countries (2008-2010)
- EU structural support, Rural Development Programme project “Training and Education of Private Forest Owners for Sustainable Forest Management” (2009-2011)
- Nordic Council of Ministers Office in Lithuania financed our project "Nordic-Baltic NGOs’ Cooperation for Sustainable Energy" with 4 countries (2009-2010)
- We are partners in project financed by Nordic Council of Ministers Office in Latvia "Nature conservation NGOs in the Nordic-Baltic region - working together" together with other 4 countries (2009-2010)
- Intelligent Energy Europe financed project for schools “Carbon Detectives" with other 9 European countries (2010-2011).